Get paperwork executed through Whatsapp

Press Release

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Benefits of Whatsapp Pings

  • Your customers trust Whatsapp more than SMS - leading to reduced drop offs
  • Extra transparency and ease of access for signers who will get the signed document directly on WhatsApp
  • It’s WhatsApp! Everyone is comfortable with it
  • Fastest way to sign a document in India
  • All document invitations and notifications are end-to-end encrypted
Use Cases

Use Cases for Whatsapp Pings

  • You are collecting eSign from HNI customers who prefer convenience while doing paperwork
  • You’re a stockbroker who wants to get the eSign faster and invest on your customer’s behalf
  • You are a bank, NBFC, or an Insurance looking to do your entire business on WhatsApp
  • If you’re doing business in a place where there are network issues - so SMS has a low chance of getting delivered
  • If you have customers outside of India who do not have SMS available on their Indian numbers

Please note this is an illustrative list, Leegality WhatsApp Pings is useful for anyone who wants to do digital paperwork


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