Freshly Baked at Leegality: Get real-time stamp procurement updates, add multiple payment profiles, and add non-signing party details in NeSL flows

September 3, 2024

Azima Shaista

Product Marketing Specialist


In this edition of Freshly Baked at Leegality, you will see:

  • How to see stamp procurement updates on the Leegality dashboard
  • How to add multiple payment profiles
  • How to add non-signing party's details & store them in the NeSL IU

Hello readers,

We’re here with Episode 10 of Freshly Baked at Leegality. This month, we have some feature enhancements that make document execution smoother for you.

You can watch these updates on YouTube:

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Let’s get started with this month’s updates.

Real-time stamp procurement updates on the Leegaltity Dashboard

Earlier, when you purchased stamps via Leegality, you had to manually contact your Leegality POC for updates. The POC will then ask the BharatStamp team to update you. This was not an efficient way to procure Stamps.

Now, for every Stamp procurement, you can see the latest updates in the Leegality dashboard. What this means you can -

  1. Track stamp procurement status
  2. Get information incase of delays
Stamp procurement update
Stamp procurement update

Add multiple payment profiles for collecting payments

The next update is about Leegality Payment Collect - which lets you collect payments such as Stamp Duty, Onboarding fee, Service charges, etc. in the eSign flow itself.

So far, you could only create a single Payment profile - which meant you had to do a lot of manual reconciliation if you had to figure out which payment was for which purpose or collected by which team.

For eg. Say both Vehicle Loan and Personal Loan teams use Payment Collect - you would need to manually calculate the Stamp Duty for each and then match it with the overall Stamp Duty collected. This was a long tiresome process with scope for errors.

But now you can configure multiple payment profiles - so each team that uses Leegality can use its own Payment Profile to collect payments with eSign.

This way, in our earlier example - Vehicle Loan and Personal Loan can simply check their own Payment profiles to see how much stamp duty was collected instead of manually checking each document sent.

Payment Collect Screen
Payment Collect Screen

Add non-signing party details in NeSL flows

There are some documents where you don’t need to get signatures from every party involved, you simply need them to be a part of the transaction and get the signed copy, for example, a Bank Guarantee. 

For a NeSL flow, this used to be a challenge but now you can add non-signing parties on the Leegality dashboard even for any NeSL flow.

Add non-signing party details
Add non-signing party details

That is it for this month. 

Happy digitizing paperwork!

If you’re interested in any feature or need help, please contact your Leegality POC or click below